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Being vs. Doing: The Path to Authentic Living

Introduction: The Great Juggling Act of Life

Welcome to the circus of life, where we're all expert jugglers of 'Being' and 'Doing.' Think of 'Being' as that shiny, spinning plate on a stick, representing our inner state. 'Doing' is like the balls we keep tossing in the air – our actions. Most of us are so busy hurling those balls around that we forget to keep the plate spinning. But here's the twist: without the plate of 'Being' spinning smoothly, those 'Doing' balls are going to come crashing down.

The Deep Dive: What is 'Being'?

Imagine 'Being' as your backstage crew, setting the scene for the grand performance of life. It's who you are at your core – your values, beliefs, and emotions. When you're 'Being kind,' it's not just about handing out cookies with a smile; it's about embodying kindness in every thought and deed, from offering a genuine compliment to choosing not to honk at that driver who cut you off.

'Doing' Unmasked: The Busy Bee Illusion

Now, let's talk about 'Doing.' It's the visible part of the iceberg, the actions we perform, and the tasks we tick off our to-do lists. It's giving money to a beggar or holding the door open for someone. But here's the kicker: 'Doing' without 'Being' is like a clown without makeup – it does the job, but something vital is missing.

The Dance of Being and Doing

Picture 'Being' and 'Doing' as dance partners in tango. 'Being' leads with emotional and mental states, while 'Doing' follows with actions. When 'Being' steps forward with positivity, 'Doing' responds with constructive actions. It's a dance where both need to be in sync for the performance to be beautiful.

The Being-Doing Tango in Action

Let's bring this to life. You see a beggar (cue dramatic music). If you're just 'Doing' (giving money), it's a one-off act. But if you're 'Being compassionate,' giving money is just one of the moves in your dance. You might also offer a warm smile, a respectful nod, maybe even a sandwich. 'Being' opens up a whole choreography of possibilities.

Being: The Internal Compass

Your state of 'Being' is like the compass that guides your ship. It sets the course for how you navigate the sea of life. When your compass is calibrated to 'Being grateful,' you're not just saying thank you; you're living with a sense of appreciation, noticing the small joys and expressing gratitude in multiple ways.

Doing: The Wind in Your Sails

'Doing' is the wind that propels your ship. It's the tangible actions that move you forward. But remember, without the compass of 'Being,' that wind might just be blowing you in circles.

The Art of Balancing Being and Doing

Balancing 'Being' and 'Doing' is like being a master chef. Your 'Being' is the recipe – it sets the flavor and tone. 'Doing' is the cooking process – the actual making of the dish. You need both the right recipe and cooking skills to create a culinary masterpiece.

Embrace the Dance

In summary, life isn't just about the hustle and bustle of 'Doing.' It's about nurturing the state of 'Being' from which your actions flow. It's time to bring balance to the force, young Jedi! Let your 'Being' shine through your 'Doing,' and watch as your life transforms into a more authentic, fulfilling experience.

So, what are you 'Being' today??

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